Are you ready?

Hurricane season officially begins June 1st.  Seems a long way away, doesn’t it? That is, until you consider how quickly we burned through April! Were’nt we playing April Fools jokes early last week?

We find oursleves in the midst of Hurricane Preparedness week.

Couple tips. 

How you prepare depends a lot on where you live.  Know which evacuation zone you live in.  That will tell you the amount of damage you are likely to have. Click to go straight to the city page where you can type in your address and find your Evacuation Zone.

Make a plan.  If a hurricane is coming, are you prepared to ride it out or will you evacuate?  If you evacuate, where will you go?  It’s a really good idea to travel that route well before you may HAVE to so you are familiar with it. If you stay are you ready for days of no power?  

Answering these kinds of questions helps you determine how you need to prepare.

More preparedness tips tomorrow….like, if you decide to evacuate (which is always a valid option) what are some practical steps to take?