30 Seconds to a Better Life… For Real

There’s a ton of different “Self Help” books that promise a better, grander life. But a better, grander life is just a cold shower away.

A cold shower for just 30-90 seconds a day is proven to be life changing. But fair warning, I don’t just mean cold.. I mean an icy 38 degrees cold.

It’s worth the pain. Here’s some of the benefits:

  • Triggers deep breathing which increases your oxygen levels, your heart rate and your overall cardiac function
  • Lowers blood pressure and boosts your immune system
  • Toughens you up. (Repeated cold showers have been shown to toughen you up and increase your resilience to stress)
  • Activates your brown fat. This increases your metabolism so you can burn more calories

Good thing it’s summer time. An icy could shower would actually feel good right about now!